I've been wanting to see this since Finders Keepers released the amazing soundtrack in 2007. The soundtrack by Stanley Myers is creepy, badass, and inventive. It's such a great soundtrack to a film that seemed so obscure to me that I guess I assumed the soundtrack outdid the film, and, like so many Italian films of the 70's, assumed it was a mediocre film with a great soundtrack. But wow -- Sitting Target is just as cinematic and brutal as the images the soundtrack inspires. It's great filmmaking; a low-budget(ish) and gritty crime movie that never loses interest.
It's become a fun recession time activity for me to look for hard-to-find bootleg movies on the internet. This one comes from a service I've never used before, and it's a little annoying because you can't watch more than 72 minutes at a time without paying for it. I ended up watching it over two days. Which I didn't really mind, but then, I also apparently don't mind watching sub-VHS quality feature films on the internet.
Watch it here. (Click "Full Movie")